Before you begin this blog, here are a couple of prerequisites for this little project:

  • An unprecedented, crazy scenario requiring you to wear a mask in public
  • 5 minutes of free time

Do both of those apply to you? We thought so. Now let’s get masked up.

Perhaps one of the biggest adjustments right now is making sure you’re equipped to go safely in public at all times, and the first must-have is a mask. With legitimate medical masks in short supply (and better used by healthcare workers), making your own is becoming increasingly necessary.

Elastic production is being seriously overwhelmed by the current need for medical masks, and hospitals are having to get just as creative as the rest of us. As it turns out, our shoelaces make the perfect stylish and secure force behind a homemade mask. In fact, we recently donated over 3,000 pairs of our laces to hospitals in need for this exact purpose. If you have any spare shoelaces you’d like us to donate, please email and we’ll get them to hospitals that could use them. Those boring brown laces you replaced with Whiskers will work perfectly :).

Check out the video below to learn how to make your own mask in just 7 easy steps, using a piece of cloth and a pair of shoelaces. Stay safe people!

