Remember those pastel PAAS Easter Egg dying kits? Well, these Limited Release Spring shoestrings are like dunking a pair of our striped shoe laces in each color of the kit. The best part is, your fingers won’t be disturbingly blue for the next five days. Unless you know, you like that sort of thing.

Pastels are a staple in the spring. Since the 18th century, pastel colors have represented the transition from the grays and whites of winter to the blooms of springtime. They’re not quite those bright colors of summer, as life starts to reappear in a soft, gentle way. OK, this is starting to sound like a toilet paper commercial. Topical though, right?

The pink, yellow, blue, purple, and greens in these dress shoelaces make for the perfect combination for someone who’s ready for a new season. Plus, with words like “lilac” and “lavender” in their names, you know they’re the real deal. With your lace game at these PEAK spring levels, you’ll send the easter bunny scurrying back into his shame den until next year.

We could all use a little something new right now. A breath of fresh air, a light at the end of the tunnel, and a little bit of that energy nestled tightly around our feet. So go on ahead, put a little spring in your step with these PAAS-inspired pastel spring shoestrings. If you can say that five times fast we’ll give you a 3-pack for free. Not really… but maybe. Only if you send us a video and we can post it ;).
